Teaching Plan for Preschool Class

Teacher: Mrs. Qiuli Sheng

    Teaching Main points and Difficulties:
    1.Continue reviewing Hanyu Pinyin.23 Shengmu,24 Yunmu and 16 Zhengdu Yinjie. The students will be taught the methods thathow to pronounce Pinyin, including four tones. After first eight classes the students can get the ability to read some level one paragraphs by Hanyu Pinyin.
    2. The students will be instructed to read the conversation of every lesson correctly and smoothly. They can understand themeaning of every conversation and make their own talk with parents as well as.
    3. The students will be taught 29 basic drills(Lesson One-Lesson Thirty),especially the drills after Lesson Thirteenwill be more important for this semester.
    4. At the end of this semester the students will be finish teaching 85 Chinese words from old text book and 10 words from new textbook.
    5. The students will be required to pay attention to the shape of Chinese words when they are writing.*Page 154 & Page 155 in the text book.
    6. The students'homework will be evaluated for correctly writing and neat looking.
    7. The students will be given the opportunity to show their feedback of knowledge by every three week's class test.
    8. Before coming to each class, if the parents can check kids' homework that would be very helpful to avoid the kids forgetting it.