Suggestions to Memphis Chinese School

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Subject concerned: junior

Comments: Next year, if Mrs. Dan Ling allows me to teach again, I would like for the students to workshop many chinese poems so that we may see the similarities and/or differences in hte poems that we have studied. I have had a wonderful semester at the school and I will miss my students. Love, P. Trenthem

From:Phillip Trenthem; <>
624-0418 -

Subject concerned: Art

Comments: I think a class description just like the English Writing class is very helpful. Could art teacher (Yu, Changzhi) give us a brief list for the painting class 2-3? Thanks!

From:Yufeng Ma; <>
901-737-1776 -

Subject concerned:

Comments: Administration group: (Mrs. Huang,Danling;Mrs.Xi,Weilin;Mr.Li,Wei Mr.Cai,Jinlinag;Mr.Fu,Donhui) THis is great!! My daughter has been in this school about 3years,we like it. As we can see, the school has been getting better and better we love it. We really appreciate all of you and your hard work. We are ready for the new semester! Thank!! Happy newyear!!! 12/28/01
